Nam Tuum!

A lot of people (read: my parents) have encouraged me to become a writer and on occasion I’ve felt moments of inspiration and attempted beginnings of books. I had an idea when I first came to Thailand to write a book about… my time in Thailand (so, basically this blog), and had the idea for each chapter to be based around a new word in my budding Thai vocabulary and the circumstances in which I’d learnt the word. I actually still quite like the idea but said “moments of inspiration” were always fleeting and so I think I only got a melodramatic chapter-and-a-half into that book.

But, the word for Chapter One was “Nam Tuum,” which, if you were to hypothetically read the hypothetical book at some point in the future, you’d learn to mean “flood.” If you’ve been with me from the very beginning you may remember this post outlining an unexpected rerouting of Wayne’s and my homecoming to Thung Song being redirected through Krabi as opposed to the closer Nakhon Si Thammarat on account of the airport at the latter being flooded from unseasonably fierce spring rains.

If you’ve been with me only in the past month you may remember this post making a public declaration of the myth of Thai seasons; the rain comes when it wants in whatever quantity it wants. This year it’s proven to be often and in spades.

Well I’m here today to put my money where my mouth is, because it came down like we hadn’t seen before last weekend (of course, right as we though it had finally tapered off). And yes, I realize I’m coming up on a week late on these, but we’ve been busy and are actually finishing up another visa run in Penang (which, incidentally, also involves a bit of flooding in a guestroom, but we’ll get to that later). Aaaand Wayne’s computer has held out brilliantly for 3 days but it’s running low and plugs are different in Malaysia so let’s get on with with. It rained a lot, the river behind our house got really high, I took pictures.

puddles collecting in our yard... not too bad.

cool clouds across the mountains

rascally puddle in front of our street... still not too bad?

inside the dinosaur restaurant! check the water in the back.

tables at the restaurant.

shrine alongside the river.

cutie pies

you can kind of see tables at the dinosaur restaurant across the deluge

But, by the very next afternoon (even after raining all through the night), the levels were down considerably.

some damage rendered.

Ollie, of course, was a bit puzzled by everything.


But as soon as something bubbled…

fraidy-dog is scurrying away!

So that was that… no noticeable damage or really anything more exciting than a few submerged benches I suppose.

Back from Penang now; Saturday at school! Nothing better.

About Angela

I'm not actually a sleeping monk (though if I had my druthers...).
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  1. Pingback: In My G4 Over Da Sea (and Baby Bro’s 21st) | ollie in america

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